
Monday 15 August 2022

Dhamma Reflection

 Dhamma Reflections

"In fact, everything is impermanent in the world. No matter how much money, power, properties we have, one day, we have to leave these all material things.  In between there will be good times and bad times, and times that  we probably don’t even feel much at all: this never ending cycle is  called “samsara.” 

When we came into this world, no one said life would be nice and easy and non-stop fun, and that we will alway s have things go exactly as we want. When we understand our own situation in samsara, it enables us to understand everyone else’s too. 

Hence, we should not be greedy, Angry and impatience because being greedy, angry and impatience at situations, others, things or ourselves is not going to make anything better, but create more problems, regrets and sufferings. So, we should try to be patient at every situation and be mindful to recognise Every moment of life in order to overcome bad situations and negative thoughts by using our wisdom..."

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