
Friday 25 February 2022

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

28th February, 2022

Question:   I’ve some extra money but I only give away a bit because I think I will need it once I’m ready to completely stop working. Should I just put the money in a savings account and forget about it or invest it? Or is it better to give a lot away even if that will force me to work more?

Than Ajahn:   No, if you have to depend on this money, then you want to save it in the safest way possible. Don’t worry about making investment because it can become a hindrance to your practice; you’ll worry whether your money is growing or not growing. It’s better to put it in a savings account and forget about it so you are assured that if you need the money, you can always get it. 

You have to store it somewhere safe so that when you meditate, when you practice, if you need to use that money, you don’t have to go to work. This is doing charity for yourself. Sometimes you also need to do charity for yourself. You don’t want other people to come and help you. You want to help yourself so you have to give charity to yourself also. Only when you have more than you need, more than you have to save, then you give it away to somebody else.

“Dhamma in English, Apr 3, 2021.”

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Question:  I realized that when I meditate more, I donate more. Is this action related to meditation?

Than Ajahn:   Yes, because when you meditate, your mind becomes more content. You feel that you need less things because you have less desire, so you’ll find that you have more money that you can use, and you want to donate more, to give it away to someone else who can use it. 

“Dhamma in English, Mar 27, 2021.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English.

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