
Friday 4 February 2022

“IMPOSSIBLE TO REPAY IN A HUNDRED YEARS” By : Ashin Kundalabhivamsa Aggamaha Kammatthanacariya

By :  Ashin Kundalabhivamsa
Aggamaha Kammatthanacariya 

Impossible to Repay in a Hundred Years  

Knowing the gratitude of parents, good sons and daughters who wish to repay the gratitude, may carry the mother on the right shoulder and father on the left shoulder, feed them and perform all duties for a hundred years, but the debt of gratitude cannot be repaid fully. The Lord Buddha discoursed on the immeasurable gratitude of the parents. (Am 1/63) 

Only by the wisdom of the Enlightened one, can know completely the gratitude of parents which cannot be repaid in a hundred years. We only know through the discourse of the Buddha. 

To let the children know the three kinds of gratitude of the parents, Lord Buddha had said:

Parents are:

1. The children's brahma

2. The children's best first teacher

3. The children's best people to pay homage to (Am 1/30)

 1. The brahmas staying in their abode sometimes extend loving kindness (metta) saying 'May all beings be happy in body and mind.' 

Sometimes with compassion (karuna) they say 'All those beings who are in trouble, may they be free from all kinds of misery' 

Sometimes with altruistic joy (mudita) they say, 'May all beings who have wealth may be able to maintain it'. 

Sometimes, to those who have riches and wealth and those who are in trouble they say, with equanimity (upekkha) 'it is according to their kamma that they are being rich or poor'.

In the same way, every time parents see their children, every time they remember, they extend their metta count less number of times for the well-being of their children.

When parents see their children in trouble they have so much pity and compassion that they wish to remove their children's troubles. This happens countless number of times.

When parents see their children fully endowed with education and property and live in good health and happiness, they are filled with mudita and pray that their riches may remain as they are, never decreasing. This happens countless number of times.

2. Ever since their children start learning, the parents teach them with great metta, how to walk, how to stand, how to sit, how to eat, not to kill, not to steal, not to destroy the chastity of other people's children, not to tell lies, not to use abusive and harsh language, not to drink intoxicants, how to choose friends, whom to associate with and whom not to. Parents have genuine metta for the wellbeing of their children in their whole lives.

As the teachings of parents are good and complete, the children become courteous and prosperous and live happily their whole lives. 

That is why parents are the best and first teachers, said Lord Buddha.

3. Parents have metta, karuna, mudita, upekkha, Brahmavihara and always look after their children with compassion.

That is why, parents are worthy of all kinds of honour. Children must pay respects, bow down with hands clasped, must prepare and feed them with good food, wash their clothes and make them wear, putting scent and fragrance, bathing, massaging, washing their feet. Thus they must pay obeisance. Parents are like noble persons (ariya puggala) who are worthy of all kinds of honour. These are the instructions of Lord Buddha.

Parents are children's brahmas, the first teachers and best receiver of honours. Because they have these three qualities, their gratitude cannot be repaid in a hundred years.

Motto: Parents are brahmas, first teachers who are worthy of honour.

Sadhu ...... Sadhu ........ Sadhu ..........

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