
Thursday 17 February 2022

Teachings of Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo Wat Tham Muang Na, Chiang Mai Province

Teachings of Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo
Wat Tham Muang Na, Chiang Mai Province

There is not a day when Luang Ta does not pray...Luang Ta prays all the time. The citta is radiantly bright. 

The spirit world is very pitiful, they like to follow the light and brightness. 

If Buddhist devotees have the divine eye, they can see the results of prayer, and thus they would not stop praying. 

Pray all the time until the citta becomes luminous and blazing. A person who is lazy to pray is a person who tried praying but does not enjoy it. 

Whoever prays will grow old slowly, have few diseases, enjoy a long life and become rich.

Luang Pu Doo said to Luang Ta that, "You are very fortunate to have met me in this life. My parami is wide and spreads across the Three Worlds. If any being [needs help, and] just think of me, my parami will extend out to them."

Whether you are in a lazy or diligent mood, it does not matter, just do it (i.e. pray), and you will get used to it. The rules are to eat, sleep and pray. Don't keep talking, and don't use your handphone too often.

If you want to know anything, you can ask Luang Pu. Practice often, make your citta calm, light and bright. It will be useful in the future (when you are about to die). 

The image of Luang Pu has power and liveliness. You are able to connect to Luang Pu via telepathy. 

Whether the rian or amulet of Luang Pu is blessed or not, you can still use it. 

Standing, walking, sitting or lying down, just keep praying and recording merit. Don't keep talking to other people. Because our citta records kamma all the time, with every in-and-out breath, so only record good things. 

Don't be lazy, if you are lazy, remember that you can die at anytime. 

Remember Luang Pu often, and you can get everything you want, whether it is worldly objectives or in terms of the Dhamma. 

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