
Wednesday 16 February 2022

Reflections from Emptiness Dhamma Quotes on the Path to Liberation by Venerable Ajahn Anan Akiñcano

When I was at Wat Nong Pah Pong, there was a very intelligent monk well versed in the scriptures. He asked Ajahn Chah for permission to teach dependent origination to the monks by way of charts and diagrams. Ajahn Chah gave him permission and the monks gathered together in the Dhamma hall to hear his exposition. This monk explained the topic with both clarity and detail, putting on quite an impressive show of his apparent deep knowledge into the Dhamma. 

That night I was assisting Ajahn Chah. He turned to me and said, “Anan, let’s go and see what this guy is teaching everyone.” We both quietly walked to the hall and stood outside in the dark without anybody noticing us. We listened for a while and then Ajahn Chah said, “When you teach the Dhamma wrong, you drop to hell! Come on Anan, let’s get out of here.” He never said another word about it again. 

The moral here is that if you teach the Dhamma but don’t see and know it truly within your own heart, then no matter how smart you may be, you can end up teaching the wrong way and develop bad kamma for yourself.


Reflections from Emptiness Dhamma Quotes on the Path to Liberation 

by Venerable Ajahn Anan Akiñcano

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