
Thursday 7 October 2021

Under the Shadow of Wiriyatharo Liam Cochrane

Under the Shadow of Wiriyatharo 
Liam Cochrane

If you live in the USA and saw an elderly white robed Mae Chee from Thailand going around praying the Jakkapat, then you would most likely already have met Mae Chee Pik, one of the senior disciples of Luang Ta Ma from Wat Tham Muang Na.

In the early 2550s, Luang Ta travelled around Thailand visiting all the different provinces with his team, which included Mae Chee Pik and Mae Chee Loi. This was the time before Luang Ta was so famous as he is today, so he still had the spare time to go around chanting the jakkapat to cross-over the souls and spirits trapped in the various places. 

Mae Chee Pik, formally known as Mae Chee Prapatson, was a lecturer at a university in Thailand. She happened to come across Luang Ta one day and perhaps it was due to destiny or kamma, was very impressed by him. Thus she decided to ordain as a white-robed Mae Chee and follow Luang Ta’s team to propagate the Dhamma and perfect her parami. 

During the early days of Wat Tham Muang Na, many laywomen and Mae Chees supported the temple and their efforts made it successful and what it is today. Mae Chee Pik is one of the more senior Mae Chees, well-mannered and practiced well, and is therefore respected by many of the newer and younger disciples today. 

Mae Chee Pik wanted to help spread the teachings of Luang Pu Doo and Luang Ta but before that, she had to make sure her own practice was stable first. Hence, she confined herself to her kuti and did not leave the kuti for 1 year to establish her samadhi and mental potency. 

Currently, Mae Chee Pik is helping to travel around and teaching devotees how to spread the parami of Luang Pu Doo to adjust the spiritual landscape and save the ghosts. She has left Thailand and is now in the United States of America, with the support of Luang Ta’s luksits overseas. You can take a look at the photos below yourself. 

Mae Chee Pik has been to 26 of the 51 states: California, Washington, New York, Virginia, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Washington DC, Montana, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, NewJersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Delaware, Georgia, Nebraska, Maryland, Arizona, Iowa, North Carolina and Alaska. Mae Chee’s trip commenced in July 2021 from Seattle, Washington, then flew to Alaska and returned by car from Seattle to bring the 30-inch lap Phra Kaew Daeng (Red Emperor Buddha), which symbolises the power of Luang Pu Doo. 

She has been to hospitals, graves, seas, rivers, museums, restaurants, meat shops, houses, as well as  places where suicidal deaths occurred, and landmarks in each area. She has also deposited the look kaew sarapat neuk, or look kaew noparat, the emperor crystal ball which is connected to Luang Ta and Luang Pu Doo and emits light whenever they share merit throughout the 3 Worlds. 

Cr. Under the Shadow of Wiriyatharo 

Liam Cochrane

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