
Sunday 3 October 2021

"I have practiced meditation for a long time with no results." - Advice from two meditation masters of Chiang Mai Province.


 "I have practiced meditation for a long time with no results." 
 - Advice from two meditation masters of Chiang Mai Province.

Phra Ajaan Plien: "Your mind still goes outside and persists in thinking about this and that, and won’t concentrate on the meditation object. Since it was born, it has been thinking of good things, bad things, all day and all night. Some people think too much until they become insane because of their own thoughts. 

Find a subject for meditation (Kammatthana) that suits your temperament and habit (Carita). 

This can be very difficult for those who do not know their temperament. If one does not choose a subject for meditating to suit one’s temperament, it will delay progress in practice. 

If you have tried practicing meditation but could not concentrate, not even once, with your mind often wandering away to sense-objects, then you did not choose a meditation object suitable to your temperament or habits. Let’s look for another method. 

If, after trying several methods (i.e. Kasina, Asubha or Decaying Corpses, Mindfulness of the Buddha/Dhamma/Sangha, Breathing, Death, 4 Brahmaviharas, formless states or 4 elements), the mind is still neither calm nor peaceful, it may be that we are not being serious. If we do not make a real effort, we will not attain peace."

A monk came and consulted Luang Ta Ma, "I have been praying for over 10 years. You said that prayer will reduce illness and strengthen the body. Yet, I have many ailments and need to leave the temple for treatment often. Why is this so?"

Luang Ta Ma: "When you pray, you must not be tense. Your heart must be light and at ease, so that it can generate merit. It must be compassionate. Be kind to both yourself and others. 

However, it should not be busy-bodying in the affairs of the villagers. The meditator should not want to be involved in mundane matters. When Luang Pu Doo is in the heart, it is with good energy. 

Making your heart light and comfortable is the Luang Pu Doo way, and in a sense, similar to being in the four immeasurable divine abidings (brahmaviharas). Don't get envious of the lay people and householders, or their business. Whether you are standing, sitting, walking or lying down, keep staying and praying with Luang Pu. If you practice correctly, you will definitely see results."

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