
Saturday 16 October 2021

In reference to Method 2 (see earlier post or link at the end of this post for the 7 Steps), Ajaan Lee's advice for those who have difficulties dealing with breath sensations in the whole body (as related and elaborated by Ajaan Thanissaro):

In reference to Method 2 (see earlier post or link at the end of this post for the 7 Steps), Ajaan Lee's advice for those who have difficulties dealing with breath sensations in the whole body (as related and elaborated by Ajaan Thanissaro):

'Ajaan Lee sometimes talks about not being aware of the breath in the whole body. He sometimes recommends focusing on one spot and just staying right there . 

Some people, he says, find it too distracting to deal with the breath sensations in the different parts of the body. As you're thinking about your hand, your arm, or your leg, other thoughts related to hands, arms, and legs might sneak in and carry you off someplace else.

He compares this to starting an orchard. If you plant your whole orchard all at once, using all your resources, you may find that you've overextended yourself. You're faced with a drought for several days, the trees all die, and you end up with nothing. 

In cases like that, it's smarter to start out with one little area and to focus on planting just that, caring for that. Say you plant a mango tree. You care for it for a couple years, and then when they give their first crop of mangoes, you collect the seeds and plant them. The same with the second crop. That way you gradually enlarge your orchard until you fill your whole plot of land.

So if you find that focusing on the breath here and there in the beginning of the meditation gets you distracted, just focus down on one spot and stay right there. Tell yourself: You're not going anywhere else. 

You may want to use the word buddho to help keep things under control. But just use one spot in the body: It might be right between your eyes, the middle of the forehead, wherever you feel is closest to the center of your awareness in the body. You stare right down, right there.

The one warning is that you not tighten up around that spot. Think of the area as being open and free flowing. In other words, the blood can flow in, the blood can flow out. Energy flows in, energy flows out, but you are not moving. You're going to stay right here. No matter what happens, you're going to stay right in this one little spot. That can gather the mind together and keep it there. You're not trying to take care of too many things at once.'

From  "One Point, Two Points, Many Points" in Meditations 4, retrieved from

Method 2 (7 Steps):

In "Keeping the Breath in Mind: Lessons in Samadhi"

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