
Monday 18 October 2021

The Miracles of Luang Phor Koon

The Miracles of Luang Phor Koon

When I first encountered Thai Buddhism slightly over a decade ago, I was told that Luang Phor Koon was the most revered living monk across majority of the provinces. At that time, I couldn't really understand - why was LP Koon so popular? Even today, I still don't know why. 

Nevertheless, there are many accounts of miracles attributed to LP Koon, like the one I shared a few months back when a girl holding his rian jumped out of a burning factory. 

Personally, I know a Singaporean who went for temporary ordination and stayed with LP Koon at Wat Banrai when he was a youth. He assured me that LP Koon did indeed possess magical powers. There was a time when LP Koon happened to bless some nammon (holy water) and walked away. Being curious, he tried to pour out the holy water but found that even when he turned the bottle upside down, the water did not flow out at all. This is often what happens when you try to fool around with nammon blessed by a monk.

Once there was a drought in Korat, which severely affected the livelihood of the farmers and badly inconvenienced the residents living at Dan Khun Thot District, because if it continued any further, there would soon not be any water for them to drink at all. Many public agencies tried various methods to resolve the drought but to no avail - even the water levels in the Lam Chiang Krai Reservoir was so low that it seemed that it would soon evaporate to reveal dry land.

The local politicians were at a loss of what to do. Until one of them had a bright idea – he would go to Luang Phor Koon and ask for his parami to tide through this crisis. After all, LP Koon was the most revered monk in Nakhon Ratchasima province, who else could resolve this problem but him? So he went to LP Koon to consult him on what to do. 

LP Koon instructed him, “Take this and pour it into the dam”. After saying that, he picked up a plastic bottle and handed it over to the politician. The politician did not question LP Koon and did what he was told. So he took the liquid given by LP Koon to him and poured it into the reservoir. 

In no more than three days, a miracle happened. The water levels in the reservoir started to rise instead of fall, until the water level actually returned to its original level. The volume of water would be able to tide the citizens over this particular crisis. This made the politician very curious as to what could be the powerful liquid that LP Koon gave him, and he went back to LP Koon to pay his respects and give thanks. 

After that, he couldn’t resist asking, “Luang Phor, what was that supremely power and sacred liquid that you gave me?”

Luang Phor Koon replied with a laugh, “Just my urine.”

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