
Tuesday 15 June 2021

The Teaching of Phra Ajaan Plien Panyapatipo

The Teaching of Phra Ajaan Plien Panyapatipo

When the mind stops wandering outside, it settles down into deep concentration. At this stage some people have a vision of white light appearing, some see it as neon light, some see what appears to be the light from a torch passing in front of their face, and some see a bright light with no source. It appears, disappears, reappears again. Why is this? It is because our mind is still not stable in its concentration.

Now, let us continue to focus the mind on the lightness and pleasure. Focus your mind in your chest. The more you concentrate, the brighter will be the vision of light, like the light from the moon or sun. Some people see a vision of soft white light radiating from the body as far as one kilometer away. Maintain your mind to stay in this white light, and you may see pictures or signs (Nimitta) appear. They are different for each person, but they are all simply mental images.

Let me give you a word of encouragement about these images. If they appear while you are sitting in meditation, such as a ghost or skeleton or someone who is already dead, do not be afraid. Make your mind brave and strong. If you fear these images, your mind will withdraw from concentration, and will not want to meditate again. So, don’t be afraid, the images are one of the Dhamma. Later, when the mind is really calm and still, we shall use them for consideration, and wisdom will appear from observing these images.

Now, a word of warning. If you let your mind stay in the condition where you see images (Nimitta), some of them appear to foretell future events. You may see Nimitta of someone who in your mind is coming to visit you, and that person really does come to visit you a little later. 

You even see a lottery number, which turns out to win the prize in real life. You should not play with these images, nor become attached or hooked on them, because they are impermanent. Wise ones tell us not worry about or become attached to mental images.

If you do, you may become misrepresented as one who has special powers, or who can see with inner eyes. Those who are deluded with Nimitta can be retarded in developing their concentration for five to ten years. So, the Dhamma practitioner should eventually let go of these Nimitta, and developing their concentration until it is firm, strong, and wise. Later, you can carefully consider those Nimitta. If you have your wits about you, put the images to work for you. But be worried, at this stage you have not developed strong enough wisdom to play with these images – it could lead you to mistaken assumptions.

Phra Ajaan Plien Panyapatipo

Wat Aranyawiwake

Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai Province 

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