
Sunday 27 June 2021

“Each teacher uses different techniques when he teaches the teachings of the Buddha, but the teachings contain the same ingredients, that is the Noble Eightfold Path.”

 The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

“Each teacher uses different techniques when he teaches the teachings of the Buddha, but the teachings contain the same ingredients, that is the Noble Eightfold Path.”

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Question: There are so many masters and so many techniques of meditation, I don’t know which one to practice.

Than Ajahn: This is the same question with the story during the Buddha’s time where a man had asked a question before the Buddha passed away. The Buddha was lying on his bed when this man came and asked the Venerable Ananda (the caretaker of the Buddha) permission to ask the Buddha. Venerable Ananda had said no to him and told him that this wasn’t the right time because the Buddha was about to pass away, so he shouldn’t disturb the Buddha. 

The Buddha had heard the conversation and told Venerable Ananda to let the man in. This man had asked the same question that you’ve just asked. This man had asked the Buddha that there were many teachers who taught many different teachings, and so, how can he be sure which one was the right teaching. The Buddha didn’t say that his teachings are the right one. The Buddha has said that any teachings that contain the Noble Eightfold Path is the right teaching. 

So, if anybody teaches the Noble Eightfold Path: sammā-diṭṭhi (right view), sammā-saṅkappo (right thought), right action, right speech, right livelihood, right exertion, right mindfulness, and right samādhi, then this is the right teaching that will lead one to the cessation of all forms of suffering. That was what the Buddha had replied. 

So, look for the Noble Eightfold Path which comes in many different guides, shapes and forms. 

Sometimes, it comes in the form of charity, morality and meditation. Sometimes it comes in the form of morality, samādhi and paññā. These are the Noble Eightfold Path. You have to understand that they are the same things. Sometimes it’s being expanded; Sometimes it’s being contracted to shorten it.

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Question: How about when people use different styles of teachings like Theravada Buddhism, Zen teachings or Tibetan teachings? 

Than Ajahn: That’s up to individuals. Buddhism is like a restaurant. There are many different cooks or chefs. Each chef prepares the food differently but he or she uses the same ingredients. The chef uses meat, vegetables, salt and pepper. It’s the same way with Buddhism. Each teacher uses different techniques when he teaches the teachings of the Buddha, but the teachings contain the same ingredients, that is the Noble Eightfold Path.

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Nov 9, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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