
Thursday 10 June 2021

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

Question:  A few months ago, I experienced some kind of deep samādhi and I used that to investigate the six senses. I saw the dukkha and the non-self of the six senses like a burning fire. I could also experience the awareness itself and was overwhelmed by that insight. I was able to live in that kind of reality for days or even weeks. But now, after a few months have passed, I feel like the mind has been gradually brainwashed and I have to recall that experience to get in touch with that insight. 

Than Ajahn:  That experience was still not considered real. It’s still imaginative. It’s in your imagination. You have to experience it in real life, in real time. Like experiencing it right now i.e. if anything happens to your body, see how you’d react to it. If you have wisdom, you will have no reaction whatsoever. If you react, it means you’re still deluded. 

Question:  Should I practice that insight more often or should I change the method?

Than Ajahn:   You just have to put it to the test. That’s what I’m talking about. If you think you can let go of your body, then you should put it to the test. Subject your body to some kinds of harm or danger and see how your mind will react under that situation, whether it can let go or it clings to the body. 

Question:  I believe that in that few days after that experience, I can quickly let go.

Than Ajahn:   Because it was still not real yet. You haven’t yet faced the transition from life to death experience. It’s only that life to death experience that will tell you whether you truly see the body as not yourself or not. Just by sitting and thinking about it, it’s still imaginative, it’s still not real. So, you have to face a real situation. Like if the plane you are taking is experiencing engine problem, and the pilot says that the plane might not be able to land, then you’ll see how you would react in such situation, would you remain undisturbed or would you totally go berserk—that’s the test that you have to go through.

Question:  Ok, I see. In terms of insight investigation, is there a sequence or order as to what to investigate first, and then taking some tests, etc? 

Than Ajahn:   Well, according to the Four Satipaṭṭhāna, these are the four stages of investigation: body, feelings, mind and Dhamma. You let go the body first, and then you let go of the painful feelings—you become a sotāpanna. Then, you have to let go your sexual desire—you become an anāgāmī. Finally, you let go your mind, your happiness within your mind itself. 

You have to go through it by step, you cannot jump one step over to the other, they come in sequence. So first, you let go of the body; next, let go of the feelings; then, let go of your sexual desire; and finally let go of your mental happiness because mental happiness is still considered aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, and anattā. 

Question:  Is there any test to verify all these?

Than Ajahn:   Yeah, if you want to find out whether you still cling to your body or not, you have to expose your body to life and death situation and be willing to let it die. If you are not afraid of death, then you know you have let go of your body. And if you want to see if you’ve let go of the painful feeling, you have to sit and let the body experience the painful feeling, and see if you can leave it alone. You sit for hours and let the body experience excruciating pain to see if you can remain undisturbed by such pain. If you are undisturbed by it, then you know that you have let go of the painful feeling. After that, you will know as you progress further because there will be desires that will come up and you know that they will cause your mind not to be peaceful, so you have to get rid of them

Question:  How about the test for the mental happiness?

Than Ajahn:   That’s what I said. It’s too far to talk about it now because you won’t understand it. You have to go through each level of practice. They are like examination questions that you have to pass before you can go on to the next level. To talk about it now might be more confusing than enlightening. So, I’d rather not talk about it. 

Layperson:  Thank you, Ajahn.

“Dhamma in English, Apr 22, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English.

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