
Sunday 13 June 2021

Dharma by Luang Pu Doo

Dharma by Luang Pu Doo

A woman suffered from migraines. She often felt pain in the central part of her head

If she tried to read a book or stare at something for some time. The pain will become worse and unbearable. 

She suffered such symptoms from childhood until she was an adult. Doctors at that time couldn't find any cause for her migraines. When she suffered severe recurrent headaches, she would have to be sent to the hospital. 

Around the year 2522 (1979), she was very fortunate. Someone introduced her husband and her to Luang Pu Doo. 

On the first day she went to pay respects to Luang Pu, she was very surprised and taken aback. Upon seeing Luang Pu and the area around the Kuti (monk's hut) It matches the dream she had before she even stepped foot into the temple. 

So she had faith in Luang Pu when she saw him for the first time. 

She and her husband took the opportunity to pay their respects to Luang Pu regularly. 

A very important event happened to her. One evening, she and her husband stopped by to pay respects to Luang Pu, as part of their regular routine. Luang Pu was about to bathe or wash himself. 

With disciples carrying in a bucket of warm water for Luang Pu. Near the big water jars right in front of Luang Pu's kuti. 

At present the water jars are still there for all to see. Good opportunity so her husband asked for permission to scoop and fetch water for Luang Pu and also to wipe his feet. 

When it reached her turn, Luang Pu compassionately told her to sprinkle water on the area she has problems with. With great joy she scooped the water from the bucket and poured it on Luang Pu's head. 

Her husband was shocked and scolded her, what are you doing. She freaked out and dropped the ladle and bowed down in front of Luang Pu to apologise. Weeping as she was afraid she had committed bad kamma. 

Luang Pu smiled and said, it is okay, I gave her permission. 

It was an amazing thing because from that day onwards her migraines subsided. 

And symptoms kept become milder until it disappeared completely. Luang Pu's compassion for her did not just extend to this. 

One day she decided to get some amulets. Auspicious objects for herself. While her husband already wore

Luang Pu's ring and Luang Pu's amulets around his neck

Luang Pu probably knew of her intentions. 

Instead of telling her to buy the amulet from the temple counter itself, Luang Pu told her husband, you take off the ring for her to wear. Give her something also. 

Her husband felt possessive of his amulets, but he was too respectful to Luang Pu so he had to take off Luang Pu's ring which he worshipped as a sacred object, one of his beloved amulets and gave it to his wife. 

This event allowed her to received a sacred object of Luang Pu's without having need to pay anything while her husband learnt the meaning of sacrifice and sharing. 

It can be said everyone benefitted from the metta of Luang Pu

Translated from the book "Nang Seu Kit Teung Luang Pu"

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