The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.
13 February 2025
“It’s very difficult to study and to analyze kamma in its entirety.”
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Upāsikā: When you said about kamma, is it also kamma when I face some good luck or bad luck in this life? Is it the action of kamma?
Than Ajahn: Not always. There are many other factors that cause you to be happy or sad. Sometimes it’s accidental, like when you go for a walk and you slip, this is not kamma.
Upāsikā: Many people said that it’s your bad kamma when something happens.
Than Ajahn: No. There are many things that are not kamma. For instance, if you’re involved in an accident, it’s not kamma.
Upāsikā: There is a myth going around that things happen due to karmic reason.
Than Ajahn: Some people have the theory that whatever happens, it is because of their kamma. If you want to speak in general term, yes, it is kamma because whatever you do is kamma. If you slip while walking, it’s because you go for a walk. If you don’t go for a walk, you don’t slip. That’s kamma already. Kamma means action. So, whatever you do is kamma.
Upāsikā: Some people say it’s the collective kamma.
Than Ajahn: Things happen together. You just happen to be there at the same time. That’s all.
Upāsikā: Does it have anything to do with kamma?
Than Ajahn: It has nothing to do with the past.
Upāsikā: Are nature also considered as other factors?
Than Ajahn: Yes. It’s natural causes, like the body – whether you have good or bad kamma, it’s going to get old, get sick, and die. The body of the Buddha died, got old, got sick, just like your body and my body.
Upāsikā: People said that if one has sickness, it’s because of his kamma.
Than Ajahn: If you have more sickness than normal, then it’s your past kamma. If you’re born and not equipped with all the 32 parts, this could be your bad kamma. However, it maybe also just biological problems. So, there are many factors. Don’t worry about it.
The Buddha has said that it’s very difficult to study and to analyze kamma in its entirety. So just know the general form of kamma which simply is: if you do good, you’ll feel good; if you do bad, you’ll feel bad; and whatever happens to you, good or bad, sometimes they are the results of your good kamma and bad kamma, sometimes they are not.
Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Nov 9, 2018.”
By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto
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