
Saturday 9 January 2021

Year End Dhamma Teaching from Chao Khun Rak

 Year End Dhamma Teaching from Chao Khun Rak

When we have the opportunity to enjoy ourselves, we should be happy, but in accordance to the limits of self-restraint and discipline. If we only suffer very much, we will not be able to bear the heavy burden of depression. However, if we go to the extreme and go overboard with happiness (e.g. sensual pleasures), it can be considered another kind of suffocation as well. 

For instance, if it rains all day long, the earth would be flooded. But if there is only sunshine without rain, the land would be scorched, burnt and dried up. The fact that we are here today is because we have both some rain, and some sunshine. 

Our lives are the same. If we encounter suffering, we should accept it and let it go. But when things are going well and we are happy, we should not be overly pleased and complacent. 

Because when things end (impermanence), we will suffer a hundred times more. 

As the old year is passing by, we should take this opportunity to reflect. How many good deeds we haven't done yet? We should take the new year to perform the good deeds we have neglected or have forgotten to do. Human lives depend on the good kamma that they have performed. The lives of people who do evil will be difficult. The virtuous acts that we do will attract good people and good friends into our lives. 

How many more gray hairs appeared this year? Are our eyes blurrier and how about our teeth? 

Are we still as healthy as before? Consider these things, think carefully about them, and you will find the truth about life. Let us hurry up to create good merit and parami (spiritual perfections). Before it is too late for us. 

I would like to invite the parami of the Triple Gems, Phra Sri Rattanatrai, Phra Somdej Phra Jao, Tewadas (Devas), and also all our Fathers, Mothers, Masters, Preceptors, Teachers, to bring forth happiness, progress, good health, prosperity, and wealth for everyone. 

Chao Khun Rak Analayo

Wat Sutthawas Vipassana

Ayutthaya Province

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