
Saturday 30 January 2021

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart

LaypersonPlease accept our deepest sympathies on the loss of your mother.

Than Ajahn:  Thank you. My mother didn’t die. She went into another realm. She departed from her old body and she would come back with a new body. She’s actually doing some body transplanting. So, there is no need to be sad. She’s right now in a state of sleep and is dreaming. If she had made a lot of good kamma, she would have good dreams. If she had made a lot of bad kamma, she would have bad dreams.

Nobody can help her. This is the way it is. So, believe the Buddha and try to do only good kamma and stop doing bad kamma. 

Then, no matter whether you live or die, you will always be happy.

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QuestionAfter I learn about Theravada Buddhism, I understand that I should make offering (dana) as often as I can so that I can transfer the merits to the ancestors I have hurt in the past and so that they can be reborn in a good realm. Is this way of thinking correct?

Than Ajahn:  It depends on your ancestors. Some of them don’t need your good kamma because they had done enough good kamma on their own. But some ancestors who had not done any good kamma when they were alive, they could use the good kamma that you share with them. So, it depends on the receivers of your good kamma.

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QuestionThe Chinese believes that during the seventh lunar month of Chinese Lunar calendar, the door of the Hell Gate is open and the ghosts are allowed to come to the human world to eat. The Taoists will therefore offer food at the specific location, burn incense, clothing, paper money etc. to their ancestors because they believe the ancestors will return the offerings by blessing their family, giving them safety and giving more business/more money. Is this true?

Than Ajahn:  No, it’s just a belief. What is true is the gate of heaven and hell is always open. When you do good kamma, you’re going to heaven. If you do bad kamma, you’re going to hell. There is no gate. And there is no body who is watching the gate either because there is no need to. The law of kamma is automatic. You cannot escape or run away from the law of kamma.

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QuestionIn Taoism and Mahayana, people believe that if someone dies young or dies due to disasters, he will go to hell and therefore people will pray during the seventh lunar month of Chinese Lunar calendar (or the ghost month). Is this belief true?

Than Ajahn:  No, no. People are affected by their good or bad kamma, not by how they die. 

Whether they die caused by an accident, due to illnesses or by being killed have nothing to do with where they are going to be reborn or where they would go after they die. What decides where they would go after they die is their good or bad kamma.

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Question from MalaysiaMy father passed away in 2009. Yesterday I dreamt about him suffering at his current place. What should I do to help him?

Than Ajahn:  Do some dāna. Donate some money to any charity and then you can dedicate the merit, the good kamma, with him by thinking it in your mind: ‘I would like to dedicate this good kamma that I have done for the benefit of my father who passed away.’ If he is waiting for this good kamma, he can receive this good kamma.

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Question I was close to my father when he was still alive. I lost him in 1993. I used to see him in my dreams and he was suffering. However, after I offer alms to the Sangha, he disappeared from my dreams. 

Recently, my father came back into my dreams. But as I am living overseas now, it is not possible to offer alms to the Sangha.  What can I do to help him?

Than Ajahn:  You don’t need to offer alms only to the Saṅgha. 

You can do dāna to anybody who needs your help and then you can dedicate this good kamma or share this good kamma with your father.

So, you can donate your money to any charities, whether it’s a Christian charity or Muslim charity, it doesn’t matter, it’s the same thing, it’s still charity—it’s good kamma.

“Dhamma in English, Jan 23, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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