
Saturday 30 January 2021

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

14 October 2024

QuestionIs there any actual benefit when people (the males) touch LuangPhor’s body? They believe that it can bring benefits to them. Is this true?

Than Ajahn:  It’s psychologically true but it’s not really true. It just makes you feel better when you sometimes touch a teacher’s body or have a piece of his possessions like having a piece of food from his bowl—these are all just beliefs; it makes you feel better but it’s not true. The only thing you should expect from a teacher is his teachings. 

That’s all. And even when you get his teachings, it doesn’t mean it’s enough because once you get his teachings, you have to apply his teachings in your life; you have to do what he tells you to do, like be charitable, be a moral person and meditate. If you can do these, then you will improve your life; you will become better; you’ll be happier. By getting a piece of his possession or touching him, or he touches your head, it doesn’t bring anything for you. It just gives a sense of temporary happiness. That’s all. It’s more of the emotional and psychological aspects, but it’s not the rational aspect.

“Dhamma in English, Oct 31, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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