
Thursday 7 January 2021

Story of Sayalay Dipankara Theri

Story of Sayalay Dipankara Theri

When I am able to repay the gratitude of my parents and teachers, our great benefactors, my life becomes of value.

When I was seven years old, I donated sugar to many ants and it made me very happy. 

Everyday, I contemplated on the qualities of the Buddha, and it led to my unconditional faith in the Lord Buddha.

When I was 14 years old, I would save up my pocket money. On non-school days, I would cook for dana and buy flowers for offering to the Buddha. Then I would go to the monastery nearest to my home and observe the eight precepts. 

This is what I always did. Since young, my wholesome mind had already started to grow.

An event that happened during my high school days was unforgettable. At that time someone asked for my hand in marriage through my parents. 

After rejecting them, I went to the Shwedagon Pagoda, and prayed that I would have a chance to practice meditation in this life.

In the third year of university, we had to dissect frogs. Coming to understand that the frogs' bodies and my body were similar in composition, I began to feel repulsiveness towards my body. I felt an urgent need to practice the dhamma, so I completely withdrew from my studies in the university.

Since that day, whenever I looked at other people, I saw them as skeletons in my mind. 

Because of seeing the skeleton consistently I went to practice in many meditation centres. 

Many teachers asked me not to concentrate on the skeleton, saying that if I did not know how to control my mind, I could go crazy. Therefore I did not dare to practice bhavana (meditation) any further. For one year, I went back to the buddhānussati (contemplation of the Buddha's qualities) practice. This was my life's experiences.

When I was 20, through Professor U Mehn Tin Mon, I met the Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw. The first time that I practised with Sayadaw, the skeleton image kept on appearing so I turned to concentrate on it and I experienced my mind becoming very calm and pleasant.

Venerable Sayadaw explained that I must have practised this meditation in my previous lives and the benefits of that practice was appearing to me now. 

Therefore, I owe Sayadaw a debt of gratitude for his guidance. He also explained the four noble truths systematically.

At 25 years old, I entered the Sāsana (Buddha's dispensation, i.e ordained) and learned under the Venerable Sayadaw. I also helped to serve the Sangha.

In 1995, at 30 years of age, I started to travel to foreign countries to propagate the Dhamma up till the present time. 

I believe that I was able to propagate the Dhamma peacefully for more than 20 years, due to the help and protection of many good and powerful devas, as well as the protection of the Dhamma.

With the requisites I received, I donated towards the construction of a sīmā hall within the Pa Auk Meditation Centre at Pyin Oo Lwin. The Venerable Sayadaw explained that this sīmā hall would accomodate up to 1,000 monks for meditation. When I heard that, I was very happy.  

I would like to share all the merits I have accumulated with all brahmās, devas, human, animals, petas, demons and hell beings.

With much gratitude, I bow down to all teachers who have helped and protected me.

Sayalay Dipankara Theri

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