
Friday 29 January 2021

The Benefits of Living the 5 Precepts

 The Benefits of Living the 5 Precepts

"Although the Buddha praised merit making very much as generosity is important, it doesn't help one to escape from falling to a lower realm.  

Some people with a big heart and a sporty mind like to give alms, but still have not yet abandoned unwholesome deeds through body and speech. If one is still acting sinfully with one's body and words, one would not have escaped from a lower realm.

"But if we keep the 5 precepts, then it is a way for virtue to arise. The first benefit is that after death, one could be born in a good family. The second benefit is that one could be born as a human and in a good family. But if not born in a good family, one could  become an angel. Ah! Born as an angel, enjoying life in that heavenly world! But if one is not born into a good family or born as a deity, then Nirvana must be the only thing left of the three benefits. Therefore, these are the three virtues of keeping the five precepts. It shuts all lower realms' doors because we abandon all akusala kamma (unwholesome causes of action).

Abandoning unwholesome deeds that lead to the lower realms is very important. We will abandon our unwholesome kamma by keeping our bodies and our speech not to transgress that 5 precepts which is why the teachers keep speaking over and over again. Having to keep speaking of the 5 precepts is because they want the faithful devotees to have happiness and prosperity in both this life and the next.  

And it will enable the stream to Nirvana. It could make wealth happen. It could make possible to enter the stream of Nirvana. We will be a perfect human being in this life, and so on in order to be able to continue practicing goodness with our body and mind to be in virtue."

Ven. Ajahn Nyanadhammo, the Abbot of Rattanawan Monastery, Thailand

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