
Thursday 7 January 2021

63rd Birthday of the Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro (Phra Thepphacharayanamuni)

63rd Birthday of the Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro 

(Phra Thepphacharayanamuni)

Bow down to pay respect to the birthday of 7 January 2, 

3 years anniversary of Master Chayasaro (Phra Thephat Patchara Muni) 

with all due respect

Lord, what is the word above?

Master answers the truth of things.

Our hermit is not real.

Students to shelter teaching and practice themselves.

Chanamar too. Practice and practice.

You know. Wake up. Mind is bright and charitable.

I can do the evil thing in my heart.

Roj is out of mourning for you.


Our greatest respects and humble wishes expressed on this auspicious 7 January 2564 BE marking the 63rd Birthday of the Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro (Phra Thepphacharayanamuni)

F rom heart and hand, your teachings, our guidance;

R eturning to our body, our speech, and our mind,

O bserving our inner world, in peace and in silence;

M oment by moment, putting worldly things behind. 

H appiness shown in their true light with luminosity,

E ach and every word, unconditional kindness and generosity, 

A single thought, let go, with a mind that is now sharp and bright,

R ealizing things doesn’t have to be worse that their actual might,

T aming our minds and leading us through whatever difficulties.

A wake and aware,

N ow and here,

D etermined and dedicated, 

H omage to you, our refuge, our revered teacher. 

A jahn Jayasaro, conqueror of all that matter.

N oble, wise and kind in the Dhamma through and through,

D eepest of gratitude from all our hearts to you.

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