
Wednesday 9 December 2020

“‘When will I get calm’? Or ‘When will I get the result’?”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

10 August 2024

“‘When will I get calm’? Or ‘When will I get the result’?”

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Question: Does the desire to achieve concentration result in blocking the relaxation of the body and mind?

Tan Ajahn: When you meditate, don’t have any desire. The only desire you should have is to focus on your meditation object. 

Don’t have the desire to get results, because this will make you worried or anxious. You are sitting here for a few minutes and then you start worrying ‘When will I get calm’? Or ‘When will I get the result’?

When you start thinking like this, you are not meditating anymore. So forget about the result. What you have to do is just maintain mindfulness, focusing your mind on one meditation object, and then this meditation object will lead you to the result eventually.

“Dhamma for the Asking, Nov 4, 2014”


“The core of the practice is in the mind itself.”

UpāsikāTo practise restraint, do you recommend us taking up austere practices?

Than Ajahn:  Austere practices will help, but it’s not the core of the practice. The core of the practice is in the mind itself. 

And the only thing that can tame your mind is mindfulness. All types of practices assist in the taming of your mind.

These practices, such as keeping the 8 precepts, keeping the austere practices, eating once a day, eating in a bowl, help to curb your mind. But it’s not enough. What you really need is mindfulness.

Stop thinking. If you can stop thinking, then you can stop your desire. And when you can stop your desire, your mind will become calm and peaceful. You must be mindful from the time you get up to the time you go to sleep. Stop thinking aimlessly. 

Think only what you have to think. Otherwise, don’t let it think. Recite a mantra, Do chanting or focus on your actions.

Be alone. Don’t socialize because when you do, you let go of your constraints. You let your mind think. When you start talking, your mind starts creating all kinds of desires and cravings. If you’re alone, it is easier to tame your mind.

UpāsikāWhat if I have to interact with others?

Than Ajahn:  Do it to the minimum level. Do only the necessary interaction. When it’s not necessary, don’t interact. Even when you come together and do some work, try not to talk. Everybody concentrates on what he/she is doing.

“Dhamma in English, May 8-12, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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