
Thursday 31 December 2020

WHAT BUDDHISTS BELIEVE ==The Significance of Paritta Chanting == ~ Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda

==The Significance of Paritta Chanting == 
~ Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda 

Paritta chanting is the recital of some of the Sutras uttered by the Buddha in the Pali language for the blessing and protection of the devotees.

Paritta Chanting or Sutra Chanting is a well-known Buddhist practice conducted all over the world, especially in Theravada Buddhist countries where the Pali language is used for recitals. Many of these are important sutras from the basic teachings of the Buddha which were selected by His disciples. Originally, these sutras were recorded on ola leaves about two thousand years ago. Later, they were compiled into a book known as the 'Paritta Chanting Book'. The names of the original books from which these sutras were selected are the Anguttara Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya and Kuddaka Nikaya in the Sutra Pitaka.

The sutras that Buddhists recite for protection are known as Paritta Chanting. Here 'protection' means shielding ourselves from various forms of evil spirits, misfortune, sickness and influence of the planetary systems as well as instilling confidence in the mind. The vibrant sound of the chanting creates a very pleasing atmosphere in the vicinity. The rhythm of the chanting is also important. One might have noticed that when monks recite these sutras, different intonations are adopted to harmonize with different sutras intended for different quarters. It was found very early during man's spiritual development that certain rhythms of the human voice could produce significant psychological states of peacefulness and serenity in the minds of ardent listeners. Furthermore, intonation at certain levels would appeal to devas, whilst certain rhythms would created a good influence over lower beings like animals, snakes, or even spirits or ghosts. Therefore, a soothing and correct rhythm is an important aspect of Paritta Chanting. 

The use of these rhythms is not confined to Buddhism alone. In every religion, when the followers recite their prayers by using the holy books, they follow certain rhythms. We can observe this when we listen to Quran reading by Muslims and the Veda Mantra Chanting by Hindu priests in the Sanskrit language. Some lovely chanting is also carried out by certain Christian groups, especially the Roman Catholic and Greek orthodox sects. 

When the sutras are chanted, three great and powerful forces are activated. These are the forces of the Buddha, Dhamma and the Sangha. Buddhism is the combination of these 'Three Jewels' and when invoked together they can bring great blessing to mankind:


On Offerings of Lights.......

Candles or lights are lit to symbolize the light of Dhamma which one should find in one's own heart, driving out the darkness of the defilements there. 

As we offer to the Buddha we recite the following :

With these lights brightly burning,

dispelling all darkness,

I worship the fully enlightened Buddha,

the light of the triple world.

By offering these lights, 

May the path be free from darkness

and may my heart and mind

be always pure and bright..


On Offerings of Flowers........

The offering of flowers is a bridge to the contemplation of the body's impermanence and also can have a variety of symbolic meanings. In Buddhism, however, flowers symbolize worldly possessions and pleasures because, like flowers, although they are beautiful, they soon fade and die. We reflect upon this as we place flowers on the shrine so as to help develop a detached attitude towards possessions and pleasures.

As we offer to the Buddha we recite the following :

I offer these flowers,

fresh, fragrant and beautiful,

at the Buddha's lotus-like feet.

By offering these flowers,

may I realize the truth of impermanence,

which destroys all cravings

and cuts all bonds.

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