
Saturday 19 December 2020

“Singularity-happiness doesn’t rise and cease. Singularity-happiness doesn’t rely on anything.”

"The teachings of Ajahn Suchart

“Singularity-happiness doesn’t rise and cease. Singularity-happiness doesn’t rely on anything.”

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Question (F1)“When we have cleared our mind of all the defilements, happiness arises. At such point, should there be non-duality where there is no happiness, no sadness but just a state of upekkhā?”

Than Ajahn:  “This is a different kind of happiness. This is a singularity-happiness. It doesn’t rise and cease. It’s there when the mind becomes empty.

Other kinds of happiness have the duality because other kinds of happiness rely on an object to make you happy. For example, when you’re close to the person you love, you’re happy but when that person leaves you, you become sad. This is duality-happiness.

The singularity-happiness doesn’t rely on anything. You clear everything out of your mind. Leave the mind alone.

Once the mind is alone, the mind becomes happy. This is not duality. It’s called ‘singularity.’ When the mind is in jhāna, it becomes singularity. It concentrates into one. But when it comes out of its singularity and it has contact with the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body, it becomes dispersed. It then goes into contact with the duality of things because everything rises and ceases. This causes duality.”

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Question (F3):   “What is that when we see light and some little crystal during meditation?”

Than Ajahn:  “Don’t pay attention to it. It’s just part of the by-product of meditation.

It’s impermanent. They are phenomena that rise and cease.

If you pay attention to them, you’ll be distracted and you won’t be able to empty your mind. So, you keep focusing on your meditation object. 

Disregard everything else that appears. If you don’t disregard them, you won’t be able to enter into jhāna, into upekkhā.

Different people experience different things appearing in their minds when they meditate. They are just the by-product. Don’t pay attention to them. Don’t be distracted by them. Keep concentrating on your meditation object. You have to have a meditation object. If you don’t, then all these phenomena will come up.”

Youtube video: “Dhamma in English, Aug 15, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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