
Thursday 31 December 2020

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart

 The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart 

Question:  Are defilement automatically reduced when a person attains certain level of samādhi?

Than Ajahn:  The number of defilement might not be reduced but the intensity might be reduced. Like a boxer, when he punches his opponent until the opponent falls to the ground and the umpire comes to count until about 8, the opponent is still able stand up to fight with him. But the strength of the opponent might not be as strong as before. 

Attaining jhāna is just like that. Attaining jhāna is like giving a knockdown punch to the defilement but it doesn’t kill the defilement or reduce the number of the defilement. The number of the defilement are still there but the intensity or the strength of the defilement has become lessened. 

When you are in jhāna, you are in complete control of your mind and of the defilement. The defilement cannot do anything. But after you’ve come out of jhāna, when you start thinking, the defilement can come and take over the mind again. That’s why you have to be mindful after you’ve come out of jhāna. You have to continue on with developing mindfulness or developing insight (wisdom) in order to counter your defilement. 

Dhamma in English, Jun 21, 2020.

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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