
Monday 21 December 2020

Teaching of Ajahn Suchart Abhijato

Teaching of Ajahn Suchart Abhijato

Question (F):  If a family member does not practice the right way of life like indulging in gambling or drinking, and as a daughter I can’t persuade my parent not to do that, does that mean that as a daughter, I’ve failed in my duty?

Than Ajahn:  No, as a daughter you have no duty to teach your parents or to teach anybody. The only duty you have is to teach yourself because you can only teach others if they want to be your students. If they don’t want to be your students, you cannot teach them. So, it’s not your duty to teach anybody. The only duty is to teach yourself. Your duty towards your parents is to look after their physical needs. If they are old, they cannot take care of themselves, then you have to look after them. You have to feed them, clothe them and take care of them physically: this is your duty. As far as teaching them to change their way of life, this is not your duty. But if they happen to know that you have a happy way of life and they want to learn from you, then you can tell them how to do it. 

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Question (F):  Knowing that if she continues this way, she will not be reborn in a better realm and I feel very sorry for her. Is there anything else I can do?

Than Ajahn:  Well, you can try bringing the Dhamma to her by leaving Dhamma books in the house or turning on Dhamma talks. If she finds it interesting, then she might want to read the Dhamma books or watch them on YouTube. This is the only thing you can do: try to surround her with Dhamma. But you cannot force-feed her, she has to pick it up and eat it herself. If there is no Dhamma around her, then she won’t be able to take any Dhamma in. So, the best thing you can do is to surround her with Dhamma. Or, sometimes, you might take her to temple where there is a teacher who can teach Dhamma, a teacher who can inspire people. You might bring her along when you go to the temple by asking her to accompany you because she might not want to go for herself but she might go to the temple to accompany you. These are things you can do: try to surround her with Dhamma and try to bring her closer to the Dhamma. But once the Dhamma is there or when she is at the temple, if she is not interested in the Dhamma, then there is nothing you can do.

“Dhamma in English, Jan 3, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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