
Tuesday 8 December 2020

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana.

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana.

As our concentration deepens, we begin to smile with our hearts. it’s not hard to understand why this happens. 

As we have seen, the breath is part of the body. When we relax the breath, the body becomes relaxed. The breath is free from greed, hatred, delusion, and fear. When the mind joins with the breath, the mind temporarily becomes free from greed, hatred, delusion, and fear. Relaxing the breath, breathe in. 

Relaxing the breath, breathe out. Then joy arises naturally.

With every small step of meditation, you gain a small degree of insight. Do your practice with patience. Don’t rush. let the insights

unfold. Consider the analogy of an impatient hen who lays a few eggs. She wants to see chicks coming out of them quickly, so she turns them over very often to check. But she will never see chicks coming out of these eggs. 

Another hen lays a few eggs and sits on them patiently. When the eggs are properly hatched, the chicks break the eggshells with their little claws and bills. Then this mother hen sees good feathery results!

From - The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana.

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