
Sunday 27 December 2020

“Don’t worry. Everything will work out fine.”

The teachings of Ajahn Suchat.

7 September 2024

“Don’t worry. Everything will work out fine.”

SāmaṇeraWhat do you have to think about when you meditate?

Than Ajahn:  There are many different meditation objects you can use. In Thailand, the easiest one to do is to recite the name of the Buddha, by reciting his name mentally, ‘Buddho, Buddho, Buddho.’ Repeating it all day long. Don’t let your mind think about other things. When you think, you will have the desire to do something. If you think of coffee, you want to drink coffee. If you think of money, you want to go get money.

But if you don’t think about these things, you keep thinking about Buddho, Buddho, Buddho, then you don’t have to go do anything. And you can be happy without having to do anything, it’s happier.  

Stop thinking. When you want your mind to stop thinking completely, you have to sit down. But if you just want to stop it from time to time, you can do it while you’re doing some other things, like when you’re taking a shower, when you’re eating, when you’re dressing. If keep reciting Buddho, Buddho, Buddho, then your mind will be clear and calm. Your mind will have no bad feelings.

SāmaṇeraWhat if there is pain?

Than Ajahn:  Just ignore it. Eventually when your mind becomes calm, the pain will not bother your mind. 

It bothers your mind because your mind wants to get rid of the pain. If you can prevent your mind from wanting to get rid of the pain, then the pain will not bother you. Try it. Try to sit down. You can just either watch your breath or you can use the mantra, Buddho, Buddho, Buddho.  

Sāmaṇera I try to meditate and I am counting the breath.

Than Ajahn:  OK, you also can do that.

SāmaṇeraAnd I feel better and experience less pain.

Than Ajahn:  Yes. If you pay attention to your pain, it will become more painful because you want to get rid of it. But if you don’t want to get rid of it, then the pain is not that strong. 

You have to know how to concentrate your mind by using a meditation object like a mantra. If you’re sitting, use the breath. If you’re moving, use your body as your object of concentration. Just keep watching your body.  

Whatever your body is doing, just keep watching that activity, that action. Don’t let your mind go thinking about other things. Then, your mind can become concentrated. 

You can ignore everything.

SāmaṇeraIs this also a way to get rid of anxiety?

Than Ajahn:  Yes, getting rid of anxiety, bad feelings, worry.

Once your mind is calm, nothing can make your mind worried. Your mind becomes worried because your mind thinks.  When it thinks about something, you’re worried about it. If you don’t think about it, then that worry disappears. 

Like right now you’re not thinking about anything, so now you don’t have any worry. But as soon as you think, ‘What am I going to do six months from now?’

You start to worry.  

So, stop thinking. Just think one step at a time. Cross the bridge when you come to it. Don’t worry. 

Everything will work out fine.

Whatever happens, they are like illusions. They are not real. Everything happens and disappears. Even your body will eventually disappear but your mind doesn’t disappear.

Your mind lasts forever. After your body dies, your mind still exists.

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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