
Saturday 26 November 2022

“Your duty is: to abstain from all evil, to cultivate what is wholesome, and to purify your mind."

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

7 April 2024

“Your duty is: to abstain from all evil, to cultivate what is wholesome, and to purify your mind."

You can’t change what you have done in the past—the results of both good and bad actions. It is only a matter of time when it comes to reaping them. Your duty is: to abstain from all evil, to cultivate what is wholesome, and to purify your mind. This is the gist of all the Buddhas’ teachings. This is the Paṭimokkha Exhortation (Ovāda-paṭimokkha) that was given on Māgha-pūjā: To abstain from all evil. To cultivate what is wholesome. And to purify one’s mind.

This is the teaching of all the Buddhas. So there is no need to wait for the coming of Buddha Ariya Metteyya; he will teach the same thing as the Buddha, the same as what you’re hearing now.

If you don’t practise meditation, no matter how many Buddha Ariya Metteyya you come across, you still won’t practise. It all comes down to you, and not your teacher.

All the respectable teachers have already done their part. It all comes down to you whether you’re ready to undertake it or not. So you have to make an effort to follow this path—try to let go of worldly pleasures. 

Whatever you can cut down, then do so. Whatever you can live without, then do so. You have to forego, practise, and sustain your effort. Forego anything that is futile or harmful. Cultivate anything that is beneficial. You have to do both of these things and they will eventually guide you or lead you to it.

Your gender and age do not matter. What matters is your action, which is the main cause and condition. If it isn’t so, both monks and nuns won’t have become enlightened. It all depends on your practice.

Stay determined. Be confident in the right path you’ve chosen. Keep up with your effort. Make as much effort as possible. And the good results will follow.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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