
Tuesday 29 November 2022

Dipa Ma’s Daily Life Mindfulness, 4 tools

Dipa Ma’s Daily Life Mindfulness, 4 tools

1) Mindfulness is all the time. Always be aware of what you are doing.

“When I am moving, shopping I’m always doing it with mindfulness.” “Whatever you are doing, be aware of it. If you are busy, then busyness is the meditation. Meditation is to know what you are doing. When you do calculations, know that you are doing calculations. If you are rushing to the office, then you should be mindful of ‘rushing.’ When you are eating, putting on your shoes, your socks, your clothes, you must be mindful. It is all meditation! Even when you are cutting your nails, put your mind there. Know that you are cutting your nails.”

2) Let go of “I” thoughts. Let go of the addiction to thoughts and stories.

“Your mind is all stories.” “Thoughts of the past and future spoil your time.” “This problem you are facing is no problem at all. It is because you think ‘This is mine.’ It  is because you think ‘There is something for me to solve.’ Don’t think in this way, and then there will be no trouble.”

3) See impermanence and learn from it.

“When you are alive you might think this is my daughter, this is my husband, this is my property, this is my house, this car belongs to me. But when you are dead, nothing is yours. You must really learn that everything is impermanent.”

4) Blessing verses blaming.

She didn’t criticize or blame others. She didn’t gossip or use unnecessary speech. She followed the 5 precepts of Buddhism in daily life. She blessed everyone and everything. She was a living lovingkindness prayer, all the time. She said that blessing others will keep you “attentive."

6th December, 2022

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