
Saturday 26 November 2022

Luang Phor Parn Sonantho

 “Even though we have katha aakom (magical kathas)

Amulets and all kinds of good things

We will still have to die

So before we pass away

We ought to pick a good path

At minimum we should aim to reach 

The Kamavacarabhumi heavenly realm.”

Luang Phor Parn also further explained the reason why he built many of all kinds of temple buildings whether Ubosots or Viharas. He emphasised that he wasn’t concerned about himself. But he was concerned about all the villagers and disciples of his. 

By constructing so many buildings, whether a lot or little, anyone who has contributed would have at least gained some merit. Whether they contributed by physically building the structures or by donating certain of their assets and possessions. So they all had a chance to be reborn in heaven.

Luang Phor further explained, “Please everyone, before going to sleep, think about the good that you have done. Think of the material possessions you have sacrificed in donation for the construction. Offering alms to monks is good. Think about the precepts you kept. Reflect on the sermons you heard. Then sincerely recollect the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.” 

“Buddho. Dhammo. Sangho.”

Luang Phor Parn Sonantho

Wat Bang Nhom Kho, Ayutthaya

2nd December, 2022

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