
Tuesday 29 November 2022

Dhamma by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Dhamma by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu 

Whatever actions that you think about afterwards 

And it brings you happiness and joy to remember

That is merit

Whatever actions you think about afterwards

That brings you unhappiness and sorrow

That’s unwholesome kamma

An undisturbed and calm mind brings about true happiness.

Buddhism is more focused on mental suffering than physical suffering

All conditioned phenomena are dukkha (unsatisfactory).  

What on the surface seems like happiness is dukkha as well. 

For example, we get a lot of happiness from having cute pets around. 

That also means they will bring us a lot of sorrow when they die. 

So living in this world

It depends on how we live in a manner that brings more happiness than suffering.

What is the difference between merit and unwholesome kamma?

Whatever has been done, if you feel comfortable reflecting on it, that’s merit

Whatever that you did, if you feel uneasy afterwards, that’s unwholesome action.

And from now on, if you want to make sure that there is more happiness than suffering in your life

Then you should make more merit, that is, to make your heart pure, calm and comfortable. 

Dhamma by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu 

Wat Suan Mokkh Phalaram, Surat Thani

5th December, 2022

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