
Friday 25 November 2022

“What’s important is how you live your life.”

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

25 March 2024

“What’s important is how you live your life.”

Question:  “Malaysia just had an election. I want to know what is the Buddha’s teachings with regards to politics for laypeople and for the monastics?”

Than Ajahn:  “It’s impermanent. Don’t take it too seriously. A few years later, you’ll have another election. Elections come and go. They don’t change much of your life. You still have to work. You still have to pay your taxes. You still have to eat. Whoever the rulers are, they’ll come and go. Some are good and some bad. It’s not that important. 

What’s important is how you live your life – whether you follow the path of the Buddha’s teachings or not. 

That’s what you should be more concerned with, not who’s leading the country. If you follow the path of the Buddha, it doesn’t matter who leads the country. You can still advance to a higher state of existence. 

So, don’t worry about the politics of this world. They come and go. They usually lead you round in circles. 

They don’t lead you to anywhere. It’s only the teachings of the Buddha that will lead you to the highest point of existence, to nibbāna. Don’t pay attention to the politics. Pay attention to whether you are following the teachings of the Buddha.”

“Dhamma in English to laypeople from Malaysia & Singapore, May 12, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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