
Thursday 11 November 2021

❖What is the essence of Buddhism?❖ ~ by Ajahn Jayasaro ~

❖What is the essence of Buddhism?❖
~ by Ajahn Jayasaro ~

The Buddha answered this question with a powerful simile. He said that just as from whatever sea, whatever ocean, one were to take a sample of water, it would always have the same salty taste, so every one of the Buddha’s teachings reveals the single taste of liberation. Liberation, freedom from dukkha and its causes, is the essence of Buddhism.

❖ What is the ultimate goal of Dhamma practice? ❖
~ by Ajahn Jayasaro ~

The results of Dhamma practice can be expressed both in the negative and the positive sense. In the negative sense, the result is freedom from all suffering and from all the causes of suffering, namely the toxic mental states rooted in greed, hatred and delusion. In the positive sense, it is the perfection of wisdom, compassion and inner freedom.


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To read the ebook, please visit ‘Without and Within', by Ajahn Jayasaro:

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For other teachings by Ajahn Jayasaro, please visit the Panyaprateep Foundation website:

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To request the print book, please register:

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Photo: ‘Without and Within’

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