
Thursday 25 November 2021

Making Merits

Making Merits

If you make merit everyday...I guarantee that when you die, you do not have to wait for others to make merit for you.

Those who come to receive such merit are those who made little merit. 

Or worse, refused to make any merit at all. 

"I didn't make any merit on my birthday. Buddhist festivals. New Year's Day came and went, nope, still no merit. Didn't make merit on any day. 

Let's spend on our money on eating, drinking, going out and playing. It's more fun, its more enjoyable."

These are the spirits who will come for the merit you make during transference ceremonies. If we are worried for the departed ones who never made much merit, if we still love them, yes we can make merit and dedicate it to them. 

We don't really have to pour water (grad nam) to dedicate merit to others. We have the intention to do it, to share our happiness of doing good deeds, that's sufficient. Just pray, I dedicate and share this merit of this good deed to Mr or Ms XXX...

It is better to think of this person and his name in your mind, so that he will be able to rejoice with you and accept the merit made. If we are worried that our loved one has become a hungry ghost due to the lack of merit. We should anumodana (rejoice) in the merit of others as well. 

Don't stop making merit. Merit is food for the heart. 

~ Phra Julnayok Thamma Bon Khao

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