
Tuesday 16 November 2021

“An Arahant doesn’t have bad thoughts, he only has good thoughts because it is how an Arahant became one. He only thinks about good thoughts”

The Teachings if Ajahn Suchart

1 April 2024

“An Arahant doesn’t have bad thoughts, he only has good thoughts because it is how an Arahant became one. He only thinks about good thoughts”

Question:  Do the Buddha and the Arahants still carry on practising meditation after their enlightenment?

Than Ajahn:  They do it for the pleasure of resting their minds. The mind can still get tired after they teach people or after they think. 

They don’t do it to get rid of the defilements because there are no more defilements to get rid of. 

Meditation is like a therapeutic activity to make their mind rested and healthy. 


Question:  Does an Arahant still have unpleasant thoughts or are all his thoughts neutral? 

Than Ajahn:  An Arahant can have good or bad thoughts but he is not attached to these thoughts. He is not affected by these thoughts. 

When he sees people die, or people being abused, his mind is not disturbed by it. His mind is not disturbed by whatever thoughts that arise. I would say an Arahant doesn’t have bad thoughts, he only has good thoughts because it is how an Arahant became one. He becomes an Arahant because he has gotten rid of the bad thoughts. 

He only thinks about good thoughts.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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