
Sunday 7 November 2021

7 Steps of Ajaan Lee's Method 2 (Without Elaboration)

 7 Steps of Ajaan Lee's Method 2 (Without Elaboration)

Ajaan Lee said this of Method 2: " should always bear these seven steps in mind, because they are absolutely basic to every aspect of breath meditation."

The following is this page's admin's edited version of Ajaan Lee's Method 2. Other than lacking Ajaan Lee's explanation, it retains all the 7 steps' instructions with minimum editing. Meditators who need to refer to the 7 steps but not the explanation during meditation might find it useful. 

N.B. One still needs to read and understand the 7 steps and their explanation in the original version at


1. Take 3 or 7 long breaths. Think "bud-" for as long as the in-breath and "-dho" for as long as the out-breath. 

2. Be clearly aware of each in-and-out breath.

3. Observe, Adjust, Spread:

I) Observe how comfortable the in-and-out breaths feel. (Breath attributes: Broad or narrow, obstructed or free-flowing, fast or slow, short or long, warm or cool.)

II) Adjust the breath attributes until breathing becomes comfortable. 

III) Spread the comfortable breath sensation from the following spots:

A) Base of the skull: 

i) First time: Inhale and allow it to flow down the spine, leg, sole, toe ends, and out into the air.

ii) Second time: Repeat step A(i) for the other leg.

For male: Right leg, then left leg.

For female: Left leg, then right leg. 

iii) Third time: Let it spread down both shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingertips, and out into the air.


B) Base of the throat:

Let it spread down the front's central nerve, past lungs and liver, down to bladder and colon.

C) Middle of the chest:

Inhale and let it go down to your intestines.

Let all these breath sensations spread, connect, and flow together.

4. Adjust breath to breathe comfortably in 4 ways:

I.   In long, out long

II.  In long, out short

III. In short, out long

IV. In short, out short

5. Center one's awareness on the most comfortable focal point for the mind:

I.   Tip of the nose

II.  Middle of the head

III. Palate

IV. Base of the throat

V.  Breastbone (the tip of the sternum)

VI. Navel (or a point just above it)

Breathe freely and naturally with alertness without forcing the breath.

If you have frequent headaches or nervous problems: Don’t focus on any spot above the base of the throat. 

6. Spread your awareness—your sense of conscious feeling—throughout the entire body.

7. Unite the breath sensations throughout the body, letting them flow together comfortably, keeping your awareness as broad as possible.

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