
Saturday 3 July 2021

Where Ghosts and Spirits Reigned Supreme

 Where Ghosts and Spirits Reigned Supreme

It is not an exaggeration to say that before the time of Phra Ajaan Sao and Phra Ajaan Mun, the Northeastern region was predominantly ruled over by ghosts, spirits and demons. People beginning work on a farm or in a garden, anyone building a house or anything else – all having to consult a sorcerer or a soothsayer for the auspicious moment, day, month or year. 

They were then required to make offerings to appease the spirits before beginning their work or whatever it was they planned to do. Otherwise whatever mishap occurred, however trivial or insignificant, was always attributed to the wrath of these ghosts and demons. Even coughs or sneezes, so commonplace even among dogs, were again regarded as the spirits’ work! No function of the body was independent of the control of some demon and the sorcerers at that time were surprisingly all-knowing and all-powerful.

They always managed to find that the people had angered the spirits and ghosts in doing such-and-such, and so to alleviate such wrong doing on their part, they would be required to appease the spirits by making offerings. They would be told that after such a propiation was made, their cold, cough, sneeze, or whatever, would be cured. And this despite the fact that the symptoms of the disease would still be there!

After both Ajaans had instructed and awakened them to the truth of Buddhism, these superstitious beliefs and mystic rites gradually lost their hold over the people’s minds. Many a witchdoctor was convinced of the truth and came to accept the Triple Gem, instead of ghosts and spirits, as their Refuge. 

This is the heritage both Venerable Ajaans bequeathed to the people of the Northeast, and, in most parts, is still preserved today. A person wandering in that region today will hardly ever tread on the offerings offered to the spirits, which would have been found to have been scattered profusely in days gone by. In this respect, the Northeast may be said to have been liberated from the spirits’ yoke through the kind instruction of both the Venerable Ajaans. The grateful people of the Northeast will remember this precious and noble heritage for a long time to come.

Compiled by Luang Ta Maha Boowa

Wat Pa Baan Taad, Udon Thani

Translated by Siri Buddhasukh

Admin: As Buddhists, we should take refuge in the Triple Gem, and not wicchaa saiyasart, rites and rituals or engage in strange practices of worshipping spirits.

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