
Saturday 10 July 2021

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

“As a meditator, you want to go inside. Inside is where the real happiness is.”

Than Ajahn:  “You are from Indonesia. Do you have any questions?”

Lay practitioner:  “No”.

Than Ajahn:  “Do you understand Thai language?”

Lay practitioner:  “No”.

Than Ajahn:  “So, why do you sit here for? Is it because you are lonely? You stay alone here, you feel lonely. You want to stay close to other people. This is not good if you want to meditate. You should fight your loneliness by stopping your desire wanting to be with someone else. So, when you feel like wanting to be with other people, you should meditate more. 

You should use mindfulness to stop your thinking. If you could stop your thoughts, you won’t be coming up here (to Mountain Sala). You would’ve been back at your own place where you stay and meditate, unless you want to listen to the Dhamma. But you have to understand what you are listening to. If you don’t understand it, it is useless to come up here and sit here listening (to Thai talk). It is better to fight your desire. Your desire wants you to come out from your place and meet people, be close to people. 

When you live alone you want to calm your mind, you want to stop your desire. 

So, you should go back and practice. It is better than come up and sit here. It’s okay for today. 

Next time, if you don’t have any questions, you shouldn’t come up here. Look at other people (practitioners), they don’t come up. They all stay at their own place and practice. If you come up here and meet people, you will lose, you will not win. You’ll lose to your desire. The goal is to conquer your desire, and not to be under the influence of your desire. It is not good for you if you follow your desire to come out to meet people. As a meditator, you want to go inside. Inside is where the real happiness is. The happiness outside is a temporary happiness.”

Mountain Dhamma, Dec 14, 2017.

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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