
Thursday 15 July 2021

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

2nd July, 2022

Question:  How can we be aware of our delusion? 

Than Ajahn:  Delusion is very subtle. It’s not easy to be aware of it. It’s always there with you all the time. 

You’re 24 hours deluded. If you don’t know that you’re deluded, then you will never be able to be aware of your delusion. The only way to get rid of your delusion is to go into jhāna. 

When you go into jhāna, your mind will be blank, without any greed, hatred and delusion, then you will see the difference between when your mind has delusion and when your mind has no delusion. When your mind has delusion, your mind will be emotional, it will react to things you see or you hear. But when you have no delusion, your mind will be calm and not react. 

So, you have to practice in order to be able to see the difference between having delusion and not having delusion. By talking about it cannot make it happens. You have to meditate until your mind enters 4th jhāna, then everything will stop temporarily; your delusion will stop temporarily and then you’ll see what it is like to be in the state without delusion. And when you come out of meditation, you can use that state without delusion to compare it to the state with delusion. 

When you start to have likes and dislikes, you’re deluded already—that’s the sign of your delusion; when you see something you like, you’re deluded; when you hear something you like, you’re deluded. When you see food you want to eat, that’s delusion already. You have to merely see, merely hear, merely know, then you’re not deluded. Just see and have no likes or dislikes to whatever you see. Just hear and have no likes or dislikes to what you hear. 

Then, it means you have no delusion.

“Dhamma in English, May 28, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English.

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