
Sunday 23 May 2021

“When you are under lockdown, your defilement is also under lockdown.”

 The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

“When you are under lockdown, your defilement is also under lockdown.”

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Question:  During lockdown period, I become more sensitive and easier to get angry.

Without realising it, I sometimes even look for a target to find fault at, which make me feel that I have a valid reason to scold that person. Why I become more sensitive during lockdown and how to control this finding fault mind during this period?

Than Ajahn:  When you are under lockdown, your defilement is also under lockdown. Your defilement is the one that creates this bad feeling inside you, causing you to spread it to other people in order to alleviate your bad feelings. When you’re allowed to go outside, this bad feeling disappears because the defilement no longer creates this bad feeling. 

So, in order to cope with this bad feeling while you are under lockdown, you just have to use mindfulness. 

You have to use a mantra to stop the mind from thinking about going out or doing things that you can’t do. When you can stop those thoughts, the mind can become calm and peaceful. You will have good feelings, then you don’t have to do or say anything bad to other people.

Dhamma in English, May 4, 2020. 

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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