
Friday 28 May 2021

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart

1 June 2023

Question from Italy: In the parinibbāna state, are there still relationships with other cittas that had reached that state?

Than Ajahn:  If what you mean parinibbāna as the mind which has reached nibbāna without a body, then the mind usually doesn’t contact other minds except for some unusual circumstances. For example, Ajahn Mun has mentioned that sometimes the Buddhas who had already entered parinibbāna would still contacted him and taught him Dhamma. But this maybe for personal reasons or personal relationships basis. 

Otherwise, those minds that have entered parinibbāna will just remain peaceful and will not be in contact with any other minds.

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Question:  Is it possible for those who have reached parinibbāna to relate to those in the saṁsāric state?

Than Ajahn:  Yes, if the person is capable of contacting other minds like Ajahn Mun. Ajahn Mun had the ability to contact other minds that didn’t have the physical bodies. So yes, the person could do it. 

If in the past (before the mind entered parinibbāna), one had some personal involvement with this other person, then they might have still been able to contact each other and help each other. But this contact is on personal basis. It’s not on general basis. It isn’t the same like having a contact where the mind still has a body, and can be in contact with anybody who wants to come and listen to Dhamma talks.

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Question:  Can we experience other planes of existence during dreams or during meditative absorption state?

Than Ajahn:  Yes, when you are in jhāna, you are in a different realm from the sensual realm. You don’t go to movies. You don’t go shopping. You don’t go on holidays like those people who are in the sensual realm. You go to meditation retreats and enter jhāna. So, you can enter all those 3 realms of existence while you’re still alive.

“Dhamma in English, May 16, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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