
Sunday 9 May 2021

“The reason why you’re depressed is because you are not happy. And the reason why you are not happy is because your mind keeps thinking and desiring for things.”

 The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

“The reason why you’re depressed is because you are not happy. And the reason why you are not happy is because your mind keeps thinking and desiring for things.”

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Question:  For someone who is new to Buddhism, when this person has clinical depression, how does this person start to be more mindful?

Than Ajahn:  For people with mental problems, it’s very difficult for them to be mindful because the reason why they have mental problems is because they don’t have mindfulness. If they can somehow force themselves to practice mindfulness, the depression will gradually disappear. They have to learn how to become mindful. There are many different ways to become mindful. For example, they can use a mantra—keep reciting a mantra: ‘Buddho, Buddho, Buddho,’ all the time. 

You have to stop your mind from thinking. When your mind stops thinking, your mind will gradually become calm and peaceful and your depression will disappear, then you’ll become happy. The reason why you’re depressed is because you are not happy. And the reason why you are not happy is because your mind keeps thinking and wanting or desiring for things. 

When you cannot get what you want or desire for, you become depressed and unhappy. If you can stop your mind from creating these desires for things, for people or for anything, your mind will become calm and peaceful and it will become happy. Then, you’ll become normal and won’t be depressed.

“Dhamma in English, Jan 12, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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