
Friday 7 May 2021

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

 The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

Question:  What’s the meaning of ‘phurhu’ (Thai: ผู้รู้ ) or ‘the knower’ in English?

Than Ajahn:   You’ve already got it. It’s the knower. Whatever you do, you know it—that’s the knower. Without the knower, you won’t know anything. People might use the word consciousness or awareness for the knower. It’s the same thing: you are aware, or you are conscious. It means you know it. 

You have to practice to really see the real thing. Right now, the knower in you is being blocked by the thinker. Your thought is blocking the knower. When you stop thinking, then you can see the knower. The knower is like a TV screen. When you turn on the TV, you’d see images appear on the screen, you wouldn’t see the screen. Only when you turn off the TV, when there is no images on the screen, then you’ll see the screen. Similarly, your thoughts are blocking the knower. You don’t see the knower, you just see the thought. When you meditate, when you stop thinking, then you’ll see the knower which is behind the thinking. 

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Than Ajahn:  Thank you for all the questions. If my answers are not adequate or not clear enough, if you would like to clarify further, please do so. I’ll be happy to answer them the next time. 

In the meantime, may you move forward in your practice and one day, you’d become enlightened. Good bye! See you next time!

“Dhamma in English, Mar 25, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English.

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