
Friday 7 May 2021

The Teaching of L P Doo

The Teaching of L P Doo

Always dedicate merit to your guardian deva

May they have loving kindness and strength

Leading us away from harm and danger

Guardian devas are real and can help us.

Divine beings exist throughout the cosmos.

They are scattered across the various heavens

In accordance with their accumulated merit 

During their human lives

What about our guardian devas - who are they?

They are our parents from a past life.

Who still love us and care for our well-being

They watch over us in all stages of our lives.

Or they could be a loved one or friend

Perhaps even our Phor Mae Kruba Ajaan

Who is bounded to us by ties of affinity.

Have you ever experienced a crisis in which 

You thought you could not survive

And yet there was someone protecting you 

Or warning you of danger in advance?

Always make merit whenever you get the opportunity.

Big or small merit, it doesn't matter.

Specify your name.

Dedicate it to your parents of all your lives

And to your guardian devas.

There are miraculous events that cannot be explained in this world.

Sometimes when we face insurmountable obstacles 

We feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.

But when we recollect our Phor Mae Kruba Ajaans 

And guardian devas

Dedicating merit to them and praying for their assistance

They show kindness to us and save us 

This is an ancient practice which our ancestors handed down.

But in the present day, we often forget such traditions. 

You can try it, there is never any harm 

In dedicating merit and recollecting our elders. 

Translated from a Thai post


To all mothers, 

I honor your sacrifices and your unconditional love and dedication toward your children. 

Happy Mother's Day!!!

9th May, 2021

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