
Thursday 7 September 2023

Life fatigue.

Life fatigue.

When the Buddha described disillusionment with what was perceived as ordinary life two thousand six hundred years ago in India, he called it 'world weariness.' The feeling of deep fatigue as we perceive the emptiness of a life style that has been conditioned into us as having value.

In Dhamma training in all that time of course nothing has changed and as disciples of Dhamma we find ourselves becoming tired of the routine of everyday life and the endless chasing after the things we have been told are important.

We often find ourselves busier and busier but never further ahead in our pursuit of peace or happiness. 

Sometimes it feels as though we borrow more and more money, simply to pay off what we already owe. 

The balance then comes from understanding the expression, 'to live in the world and not be part of the world.' 

The potential to live without attachment to the things that ultimately disappoint, but still be a part of life itself.

Life is not suffering, but it is unsatisfactory as long as we grasp at those things that cannot be held. The loving Dhamma teaching is always the same, let go, let go, let go, not to the thing itself, but only to the attachment.

It is attachment that fuels the unsatisfactoriness and desire that fuels the intention.

To live in the world and be free from its entanglement is the promise of Dhamma. 

When the Buddha awakened a smile arrived on his lips, the same smile waits for you the moment you put down the belief that it can ever fully satisfy.

May all beings be happy.

~ Michael Kewley.

4 September 2024

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