
Thursday 7 September 2023

The ten repulsiveness meditations

The ten repulsiveness meditations

1) Uddumātaka –  the bloated

The bloated means the corpse is bloated by gradual dilation and swelling after death. 

2) Vinīlaka – the livid 

The livid means the corpse has patchy discorlouration. 

3) Vipubbaka – the festering 

The festering means the corpse is trickling with pus in the broken places. 

4) Vicchiddaka – the cut up 

The cut up means the corpse has been opened up by cutting it in two. 

5) Vikkhāyitaka – the gnawed 

The gnawed means the corpse has been chewed here and there in various ways by dogs, jackals and any other animals. 

6) Vikkhittaka – the scattered 

The scattered means the corpse has strewed here and there in this way: "Here a hand, there a foot, there a head." 

7) Hatavikkhittaka – the hacked and scattered 

The hacked and scattered means the corpse is hacked and scattered in the way mentioned above after it has been hacked with a knife in a crow's foot (pigeon's foot) pattern on every limb. 

8) Lohitaka – the bleeding 

The bleeding means the corpse sprinkles, scatters, and is smeared with trickling blood here and there. 

9) Puḷavaka – the worm-infested 

The worm-infested means the corpse sprinkles worms and is full of maggots. 

10) Aṭṭhika – a skeleton

Aṭṭika means a single bone or a framework of bones. 

These are dead repulsiveness meditation objects.


Photo credit. The owner who posted it.

8 September 2023

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