
Thursday 7 September 2023

A sharing on observing 8 Precepts during Pilgrimage....

A sharing on observing 8 Precepts during Pilgrimage....


Hi, Bhante. Undertaking the 8 precepts during a meditation retreat is not difficult but I'm not quite sure about undertaking the 8 precepts when I'm travelling all the time with a group of people.

My doubt is:

I will be travelling with a group of ppl to India visiting the Buddha's Trails in November, and if I undertake the 8 precepts during the trip, can I still talk or communicate with my fellow travellers or it must be noble silence?

Would appreciate if Bhante can enlighten regarding my doubt.

With metta & mudita

Ankura Chiam


There is no such precept as to keep one's mouth shut. 

Only one of the verbal precepts in the eight precepts is abstaining from telling lie (musavada). While keeping these eight precepts, one can talk mindfully and meaningfully. Please remember that Dhamma discussion (dhamma-sakaccha) is one of the thirty-eight blessings.

However, during today’s meditation retreats, the rule of noble silence is applied. It is meant for easy establishment of concentration and it encourages the meditators to put more effort in meditation, which is after all their principal act in a retreat. And even if you are practising at a noble silence meditation retreat, you are allowed to talk when it is really necessary. Keeping silent even when there is a need for meaningful communication is definitely not meaningful.

Thus, there can be verbal communication with your fellow travelers even when you are keeping the eight precepts during your trip to India.

With Metta,

Ashin Acara


Photo credit. The owner who posted it.

14 September 2023

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