
Friday 29 September 2023

“You need samādhi and you need wisdom.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

1 October 2023

“You need samādhi and you need wisdom.”

Question:  “Is it possible to attain Sottāpanna if one already has a family in this very life?”

Than Ajahn:  “Yes, a Sotāpanna has the wisdom to see that the body isn’t himself or herself. The body is just a gift from parents. 

The one who possesses the body is not the body. The one who possesses the body is the mind, the one who thinks, the one who knows. Once he or she understands that he isn’t the body, then he can relinquish the body, let go of the attachment to the body, and will not be affected by the condition of the body, whether the body gets old, gets sick or dies, it will not bother him or her. 

Then, he becomes a Sotāpanna. 

You can do this. You don’t have to become a monk. But you have to meditate. You need to have samādhi, at least you have to have appanā-samādhi. You have to have the wisdom to see aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, anattā of the body. Once you see aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, anattā of the body and you have the strength to let go of your attachment, you become a Sotāpanna. 

You need samādhi to give you the strength to let go of your attachment. If you have no (mental) strength, even though you know the body is aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, anattā, you still cannot let go of your body. So, you need samādhi and you need wisdom to see that the body is aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, anattā. It’s impermanent. It’s not yourself. It will make you sad if you cling to it.”

Q&A, Jun 01, 2017

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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