
Wednesday 30 August 2023

The Teaching of Ajahn Chah

The Teaching of Ajahn Chah.

There are a million ways to practice Dhamma. There’s no end to the things that can be said about meditation. 

There are so many things that can make us doubt. Just keep sweeping them out, then there’s no more doubt! 

When we have right understanding like this, no matter where we sit or walk, there is peace and ease. Wherever we may meditate, that’s the place you bring your awareness. Don’t hold that one only meditates while sitting or walking. 

Everything and everywhere is our practice. There’s awareness all the time. There is mindfulness all the time. We can see birth and death of mind and body all the time and we don’t let it clutter our hearts. Let it go constantly. If love comes, let it go back to its home. If greed comes, let it go home. If anger comes, let it go home. Follow them! Where do they live? Then escort them there. Don’t keep anything. If you practice like this you are like an empty house. Or, explained another way, this is an empty heart, a heart empty and free of all evil. We call it an ‘empty heart’, but it isn’t empty as if there was nothing, it’s empty of evil but filled with wisdom. Then whatever you do, you’ll do with wisdom. You’ll think with wisdom. You’ll eat with wisdom. There will only be wisdom.

~ Ajahn Chah


Photo. The owner who posted it.

2 September 2023

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