
Sunday 27 August 2023

The Mystical Metta Mantra of Luang Phor Jamnian

The Mystical Metta Mantra of Luang Phor Jamnian

Luang Phor Jamnian's disciples established the Oregon Ariyamagga Okasati Refuge in the USA, otherwise known as OAOR. But why did they choose such a strange acronym? For those who have followed Luang Phor long enough, you will know that it is actually a reference to Luang Phor Jamnian's signature metta katha.

This was a time when Luang Phor was still a very young boy, when he came across this elderly grandfather in the village. This old man was someone very special, he could go in and out of the jungle unharmed, and animals like to be fed by him. Luang Phor was curious and asked him for his secret. 

The aged grandfather told Luang Phor, he could teach him the powerful metta katha, but Luang Phor had to believe in his power. If he did not have faith in the katha, it will have no effect on the people around him. So Luang Phor said that he would not doubt the katha, and the old man taught him this.

When a girl was born, she would cry out like this, Au Ae, Au Ae. When a baby boy was born, he would instead wail Au Aa, Au Aa. Add the two together, together with the magical words Mae Dta Phuttho and you will get the complete katha. Metta refers to loving-kindness for all beings, and Buddho refers to the Awakened One. Therefore the katha goes "Au Ae Au Aa Metta Buddho". 

There was an auntie that sold coconut rice kueh at the market. She didn't like small kids like Jumnien because she thought they may make her stall and the place dirty so she often shooed them away. 

Luang Phor recited the katha with every breath. Au Ae Au Aa Metta Buddho. It was amazing, because it was the first day that the Kueh Auntie did not shoo him off but instead gave him some kueh to eat. 

Luang Phor recited this katha daily growing up and he was always popular with everyone, young and old. 

When he ordained and practiced towards enlightenment, he did not need this katha anymore. 

However, for any Singaporean or Malaysian disciples who meet him, Luang Phor will always teach us to chant this katha. Due to the language barrier, not many of his overseas disciples understand what they are chanting but they chant along anyway. So I hope that this post can shed some light on Luang Phor Jamnian's favourite katha. 

Metta to all 🙏

Katha in Thai: ออแอ อออา เมตตา พุทโธ (use Google Translate to listen to the pronunciation)

Photo cr. to OAOR

31 August 2023

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